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© Mario Sánchez Prada

School Field Trips

Field trips are available for California students, grades preK-12, attending with their classroom teacher.

Each year, more than 1,600 schools visit the Academy on a field trip. School field trips are available for formal school groups bringing grades preK-12, including preschool, on a trip with their classroom teacher. Bring one class, or the entire grade!

Eligibility and Pricing

School field trip reservations are available for formal California school groups of students in grades pre-K through 12, including preschool.

Tips for Planning a Visit Date

Generally, field trips can be scheduled on most dates with the exception of holidays and school breaks. Your school's academic calendar plays a role: a field trip must occur on a school day, not on weekends, afterschool, or during any dates that are off for students.

For those interested in reserving seats in the Morrison Planetarium for your school group, be sure to review the calendar of student shows to select a date when a grade-appropriate show is playing. Seats are limited; reservations for schools usually book by the end of December for dates through the following May.

For additional planning tips and day-of resources, visit our Plan a Field Trip page.

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