Videos in This Unit

image: How Do We Meet the Growing Need for Water?

Humans depend on water, and our need for this precious resource is growing alongside our population.

image: Desalination

How do we provide the world's growing population with enough water to drink?

image: Water-Wise Farms

Water is wasted daily by inefficient farming practices, but we can find solutions.

image: Waste Water Recycling

​Did you know you can recycle waste water?

image: Recharging Aquifers

Did you know there are thousands of gallons of water right under your feet?

Flipside Science Wordmark

All units in this series focus on human impacts on Earth's systems.

Unit Lessons in Sequence

Your hidden water footprint lesson

Students contextualize a design problem by examining the water consumption of smartphones, boots, and chocolate.

Exploring our growing need for water lesson

In this two-day lesson, students explore several issues surrounding global water use and conservation.

Rapid brainstorming lesson

Practice rapid ideation—an important step in design thinking—by brainstorming solutions to global water issues.

Sustainable Water Solutions lesson

In this activity, students will work together to weigh potential solutions to water use and conservation issues.

Design challenge lesson

Design Thinking Challenge: Are your students ready to tackle a water issue at home or in their school?

View unit summary-Water

Download an overview of the course, complete with connections to the NGSS.

Associated Resources

Cornucopia game

In this game, students level up the farm with green technology to meet the space and water needs of their crops.

Darah Playing Cornucopia

In this free browser-based game, you'll plant crops and earn technology updates to make your farm successful!

Reading for Students

Your students can evaluate some of the innovative solutions introduced in this unit, like waste water recycling.

Water icon
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