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3rd Grade - 6th Grade

Do you know the relative sizes of the moons in our solar system? Put yourself to the test with some Play-doh.

5th Grade

Explore your neighborhood's ecosystems.

2nd Grade - 8th Grade

What types of natural resources are used to make the objects we use in everyday life? Play bingo to find out!

Preschool - 3rd Grade

Work together to gather natural objects, and build creative structures with them!

Preschool - 3rd Grade

Encourage kids to engage with nature through investigation and observation, in a safe, supportive environment.

3rd Grade - 5th Grade

Help us by exploring the question: How do your local animals get their meals?

Preschool - 1st Grade

How can you turn a snail, worm, or roly-poly into an object of inquiry for a young learner? Ask a few questions!

6th Grade - 10th Grade

In this lesson, students explore the benefits and drawbacks of nuclear energy to decide if it's worth the risk.
