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Restoring a Salmon Sanctuary

The Yurok people are at the forefront of restoring habitat for threatened fish such as salmon.

Yurok Tribe: A Fishing People

Redwoods (keehl) and salmon (‘ohpos) are at the heart of Yurok (puelekuekla’) culture and livelihood. More than just food and resource, these fish and trees are relatives and spirits connecting the tribe to the Earth. The well-being of the Klamath River and the Yurok are entwined today as they have been for centuries. Read more about the Yurok Tribe's salmon protection effort, which the Academy is proud to highlight in our exhibit, Giants of Land and Sea.

45% of California’s native salmon, steelhead, and trout will be extinct within 50 years if current trends continue. In this science-based report, learn about which species are in hot water, what is threatening their survival, and how you can help.

Activities: New to TEK

Developed in 2020 between the National Park Service, Yurok Tribe, and Humboldt State University, these Traditional ecological knowledge lessons include a New to TEK: Teacher’s Guide and a series of activities, informational readings, and interviews that introduce students to different ways that people acquire knowledge, with a focus on Yurok culture and the tribe’s connection to local wildlife.