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At each workshop—whether one-day, three days, or a week—Academy staff distribute exit tickets asking for "+, ∆, ?" feedback. We take feedback seriously, so our team adjusts subsequent days to address outstanding issues.
The following are examples of teacher exit ticket feedback given during our three-day Crosscutting Concepts workshop delivered July 26-28, 2016.
What was helpful today?
- This was an amazing 3 days! I feel so much better about using the CCCs and really understand why they are an essential part of teaching kids to think like scientists.
- I have come to realize that the CCCs are a way to ensure that lessons and activities are thorough and robust. They make you think of angles and perspectives that normally you wouldn't.
- Wonderful activities to share with my administration, staff, and students! Thumbs up for the thumb drive! :)
- Great lesson plans. Integration of CCCs was made very clear. A calm, supportive learning environment.
- I learned a lot about the CCCs in an anxiety-reducing way.
- This workshop was very rewarding with wonderful activities that help students connect with the CCCs. I learned a great deal of what the CCC is.
- I know this is probably not that helpful but ALL of it. I love the way you begin each CCC with a story!
- Introducing each CCC with a science story.
- Thank you for the music and games and stories and activities. I got a lot of good ideas. I also learned about how to train teachers well. You are EXCELLENT teachers. Giving us time to come up with lessons was so important.-Developed good community in 3 days.
- Thank you!!!! :) This was a wonderful 3 days. I appreciated collaborating with teachers from different schools - and different grade levels! Everything was so well organized and developed. Great mix of discussion, hands-on activities, brief lectures, and development. You guys were amazing!
- Thanks for the smooth facilitation! I loved the stories, activities, and the bonus jokes.
- Awesome 3-day workshop! Today's presentation was very helpful in synthesizing how to integrate the CCCs into our lesson planning.
- Very well prepared and organized. Very little wasted time, but not rushed.
What would you change?
- Talk the Academy into letting us in earlier so we get a chance to explore the exhibits.
- The chairs.
- Perhaps have each group presentation record their poster digitally so that everybody has a copy.
Do you have any outstanding questions?
- Can you please come to Oklahoma? LOL! This was an incredible opportunity for us! Thank you so much!
- How best can I inspire other teachers and administrators in my district and school site about the Next Gen?
- How do we integrate the 3 NGSS strands?
The following are examples of teacher exit ticket feedback given during our one-day Intro to the NGSS workshop delivered on September 19 and 26, 2015.
What was helpful today?
- I finally understand how to read and dissect the standards! Thank you so much!
- I thought the workshop was an excellent into to NGSS. I have had very minimal experience with NGSS, and I feel much more comfortable with exploring and learning what specific NGSS outcomes/objectives are.
- It was helpful to discuss how we would actually employ these practices in our own classrooms. I enjoyed all activities and discussions...especially the brainstorm.
- Learning about the scientific and engineering practices with awesome experiments that I can/will definitely use in my class. Integration of the important of the cultural background of our students.
- The deconstruction method of explaining the NGSS really helped me understand the standards (loved the baking cake metaphor). Made seeing the NGSS in a more tangible lens.
- Presenters were clear, patient, organized = excellent!
What would you change?
- I don't think there should be any changes. I really enjoyed the hands-on activities to help explain.
- More time toward shifting our current practices (a lot of people asked "Well, how would I do ____ differently?")
- More grade-level discussion/grouping would be nice.
- Tailored to grade levels versus K-12.
Do you have any outstanding questions?
- I have so many questions about NGSS implementation: what are the future assessment plans? When will curriculum be designed?
- I am nervous/excited to see what NGSS looks like in any one specific high school course.
- It wasn't very clear how the standards will be divided in high school.