In case you've been wondering what we're up to: This coming week is Open Access Week!  October 19-23 2009 is a week to bring awareness to, and to talk about, the Open Access movement. Do you think scholarly literature should be available online for free?  If you answered yes (or no), this week is a great time to educate yourself and others about Open Access!  Visit the Open Access Week website for more information.


This week the Academy Library is also hosting and participating in meetings with some of our partners in the Biodiversity Heritage Library here in San Francisco.  This is a nice fit with Open Access Week, since the BHL is working to digitize the published literature of biodiversity and make it available online free of charge.  There are over 15,000 titles accessible through the BHL portal, with more coming in every day. If you're curious about what keeps us busy here in the Library, you should follow me on Twitter.  I'll keep you in the loop.


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