Photo of baby ostriches
November 15, 2012
Barbera Tannenbaum
On December 2, 2012, the last flock of baby ostriches born at the the Academy will be leaving for their new home. Some will be moving to new quarters at the Sacramento Zoo while others will grow up...
Photo of ostriches
July 31, 2012
Barbera Tannenbaum
Go behind the scences with Tim Steinmetz, the Academy's Ratite Program Coordinator.
image: Ostrich Facts vs. Myths
July 31, 2012
Barbera Tannenbaum
The most common myth people have about ostriches is that they bury their heads in the sand to hide from danger.
image: Witnesses of the ’89 Quake
June 29, 2012
Barbera Tannenbaum
Most of the Academy’s 38,000 live animals are relative newcomers, but a handful of them are old-timers who were at the Academy when the Loma Prieta earthquake struck on October 17, 1989. During your...
image: Behind the Scenes with Helena Carmena-Young
June 4, 2012
Barbera Tannenbaum
Carmena-Young is helping teachers and students visualize complex geology concepts with a new iTunes course.
Photo of Scott Moran

Scott Moran pauses by the exhibit's entry sphere

May 17, 2012
Barbera Tannenbaum
With the Earthquake exhibit less than a month from its public opening, I caught up with Scott Moran, Director of Concept & Exhibit Development, as he darted between ladders and rolling...
image: Secrets of the Shake House
May 17, 2012
Barbera Tannenbaum
The Academy's Earthquake exhibit explores the Earth's tectonic plate movement on a vast geological timescale, the effects of earthquakes on a more immediate human timescale, and quake preparedness...

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