What are some local actions we can take to protect our global ocean? In this Flipside Science unit, designed for a middle school audience, we'll dive into the issues affecting our oceanic resources and biodiversity. Here you'll find videos and activities on topics like plastic pollution in the ocean and marine invasive species.
Videos in This Series
Coral Reefs and Climate Change
Around the world, many coral reefs are in hot water. How can we preserve these important and diverse ecosystems?
Solutions to Human Impacts
Invasive species and nutrient pollution threaten the health of the oceans. How can we reduce their impacts?
Sustainable Seafood
Did you know that the choices we make when ordering seafood can impact the health of the ocean?
Preventing Plastic Pollution
Plastic debris is abundant in the ocean, and it isn't good for marine life. Let's keep our oceans plastic-free.
Classroom Activities and More
Healthy Oceans Classroom Activities
Browse our collection of classroom activity ideas to use with the Healthy Ocean series videos.
Video Discussion Questions
Print discussion questions for your students to reflect on while they watch each video.
Student Vocabulary
Some of the vocabulary in the videos in this series might be new to your students. Print vocab handouts here!
Additional Resources
Ocean Acidification Mock Conference
Photo: NOAA Photo Library
What is ocean acidification, and who is affected by it? Engage your students in a mock conference on the issue.
Coral Resiliency
How are some corals able to bounce back from bleaching events?
From Farms to Phytoplankton
"Morganza Spillway" © 2011 NASA Earth Observatory
Can we use a model to predict the impacts of nutrient pollutants on an aquatic ecosystem?
Explore More in Flipside Science
Flipside Science
This youth-powered series tackles complex environmental topics and empowers viewers to make a difference.
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To feed our growing world, we need innovative solutions.