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Artistic conception of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, currently under construction in Chile.
Mining the Sky: Discovering the Unexpected
Monday, June 3, 7:30 pm
Morrison Planetarium
Featuring Tony Tyson, University of California, Davis
Fueled by advances in software, computation, microelectronics, and large optics fabrication, a novel type of sky survey will begin in 2022. In a rapid campaign of 30 second exposures, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will cover the southern sky deeply for ten years, opening a movie-like window on objects that change or move on rapid timescales. The deep images from the LSST will chart billions of remote galaxies in 4-D, providing multiple interlocking probes of the mysterious Dark Matter and Dark Energy. In a high dimensional database, hundreds of petabytes will be mined for the unexpected.
Tony Tyson is the Chief Scientist of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. His research interests include cosmology, dark matter, dark energy, observational optical astronomy, experimental gravitational physics, and new instrumentation. He has been a Distinguished Professor of Physics at UC Davis since 2003. He received his Ph.D. degree from University of Wisconsin in 1967 and was a Member of the Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories from 1969 to 2003. Honors: member American Philosophical Society, member National Academy of Sciences, Aaronson Memorial Prize, Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and Fellow, American Physical Society.
From outer space to Earth's inner core, explore the universe from Morrison Planetarium's 75-foot digital dome.