A new round-up of climate-related stories including trees and drought, melting ice sheets, and fighting ocean acidification.
Recent news stories examine entomological wonders— including a few insects that inspire human technology.
Think you live in a harsh environment? Think again!
What house finches can tell us about staying together (or apart) in sickness or in health.
As smart as crows are, can they determine the hidden cause behind events?
Did rainfall contribute to the rise and fall of the Maya?
Researchers discovered an extremely rare whale stranded on a New Zealand beach.
Climate change research seems to focus on charismatic animal species, but perhaps we need a different view.
What do some corals do when they’re threatened? They call for help, of course!
Two researchers hypothesize that an asteroid belt, just the right size and distance from its star, might be necessary for a star system to support a life-bearing planet.
