A group of scientists have discovered hominid teeth that are really, really old and it’s causing quite a stir…
New research suggests that young female chimpanzees treat sticks like dolls.
Can self-sharpening sea urchin teeth serve as an inspiration for future self-sharpening tools?

Academy shark expert John McCosker on great white sharks, animals so big and powerful they "need no hyperbole."

2010 was a roller coaster year for science news.
Scientists have found a size correlation between a region of the human brain and a person’s social network.
Neanderthals' dental build-up is giving scientists clues about their diets.
Pollen could harbor viruses-- spreading the potentially deadly agents from bee to bee.
Academy scientists described more than 100 new species this past year.
Pale Male lives in a penthouse apartment overlooking Central Park. Did we mention he's a red-tailed hawk?
