A new anole lizard from the Dominican Republic, seven new dracula ant species from Madagascar, and U.S. truffles

How are scientists tracking effects of sea star wasting syndrome? How are starfish and ecosystems recovering?

How will climate change affect movements of humans and animals? Will there be a corridor for species to follow?

How many of our resources go into wasted food? What are some tips we can use to stop wasting so much food?

How can renewable energy sources within a city make urban areas more livable?

A new frog that sounds like a cricket, small, but important, algae, and an ant from the Arabian Peninsula.

San Francisco is a finalist to receive a $40 million grant to smarten its transit system.

How one grad student is studying and spreading the news about aerosols and climate change.

Not to miss headlines—honeybee parasites, slow turtles slow down, and lizards that dream.

Corals are losing their tolerance to bleaching, a report card for drought response, tree heart attacks, and more
