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Today's post is Science Today's last. Thanks for joining us these past eight years!
How can satellites help biologists understand animals’ response to climate change?
How does a cheetah posse behave? How do they reunite after long separations?
A scientist, inspired by her blanket-licking cat, is developing soft robotics based on cat tongue physics.
In 2008 a team of scientists warned that a large earthquake could hit Haiti. Local geologist...
Hubble's latest image shows 13 billion-year-old infant (and still forming) galaxies.
Will the Large Hadron Collider create a black hole that will destroy the world? No, but it may solve mysteries..
The new Maya Lin sculpture at the Academy is art informed by science. It's a "memorial" to extinct...
If you had a few seconds warning before a big earthquake hit, what would you do?
Gene therapy has proven to cure color blindness in squirrel monkeys. Can the same process work for humans?
The presence of the amino acid, glycine, was found on the comet Wild 2. This latest finding supports the notion that the building blocks of life are quite common in the Universe—and life beyond Earth might very well exist!
Researchers at UC Berkeley have developed a microscope that fits on your cell phone.