Terry Gosliner
Senior Curator
Invertebrate Zoology & Geology
Specialty: Marine invertebrates, especially sea slugs. California and tropical marine habitats.
Highlights/Expeditions: Philippine coral reefs, Papua New Guinea, Madagascar, Palmyra Atoll, Malaysia, Galapagos. First comprehensive inventory of nudibranchs (sea slugs) along Costa Rica's Pacific coast. Comprehensive guide to 1,400 species of Indo-Pacific nudibranchs.
Read Terry’s Science Hero profile
Douglas Long
Research Associate
Ichthyology, Ornithology & Mammalogy
Specialty: Sharks, deep-sea fishes. Marine mammals, especially sea lions. Birds, especially New World vultures.
Highlights/Expeditions: Bioinventories of birds and mammals in Myanmar, China, South Africa, and Sao Tome; revised biogeography of central California mammals; avian conservation in New Zealand.
John McCosker
Senior Scientist and Department Chair
Aquatic Biology
Specialty: Shark behavior, eels, Galapagos Islands fish, flashlight fish, salmon, and coelacanths. Sustainable seafood choices.
Highlights/Expeditions: Galapagos Island expeditions using submersibles, 1975 Academy coelacanth expedition.
Read John's Science Hero profile
Rich Mooi
Invertebrate Zoology & Geology
Specialty: Echinoderms: sea urchins, sea stars, sand dollars, brittlestars, sea cucumbers, and sea lilies
Highlights/Expeditions: Marine invertebrates in Antarctica, including brooding sea urchins. San Francisco Bay benthic survey. Sea urchin and crinoid interaction in the Bahamas. Sao Tome and Principe.
Wallace J. Nichols
Research Associate
Specialty: Sea turtles. Ocean conservation, ocean plastic and pollution.
Highlights/Expeditions: Tracking loggerhead turtles on their migration from Mexico to Japan; assessing turtle bycatch in Baja California; Latin America; Indonesia
Luiz Rocha
Assistant Curator
Specialty: Coral reef fishes.
Highlights/Expeditions: Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Polynesia, Micronesia, Caribbean, South America, Africa.
Bob Van Syoc
Senior Collections Manager
Invertebrate Zoology & Geology
Specialty: Barnacles. Benthic invertebrates of the Pacific coast.
Highlights/Expeditions: Intertidal and shallow subtidal from San Diego to Mendocino; multi-year surveys of the Channel Islands and Southeast Farallon Island. Other expeditions to Alaska, British Columbia, Baja California, Panama, South Pacific, Philippines, Borneo, Red Sea, Madagascar, Australia, Galapagos Islands, Clipperton Island, and cruises off the California coast to sample shelf and slope fauna.
Gary Williams
Curator and Chair
Invertebrate Zoology & Geology
Specialty: Octocorals: soft corals, sea fans, and sea pens. Coral reefs of the tropical western Pacific.
Highlights/Expeditions: Philippines, Melanesia, Micronesia, Galapagos, Patagonia, sub-Antarctic, Madagascar, Palmyra, southern Africa, Gulf of Guinea.