Today's post is Science Today's last. Thanks for joining us these past eight years!
Featured Articles
How can satellites help biologists understand animals’ response to climate change?
How does a cheetah posse behave? How do they reunite after long separations?
A scientist, inspired by her blanket-licking cat, is developing soft robotics based on cat tongue physics.
Scientists believe that the discovery of dark matter is right around the corner...
New dating techniques have brought the impact and mass extinction events within a "gnat's eyebrow."
No longer just the stuff of science fiction, proposals are well underway to track asteroids' resource potential.
What if we could transform these bad viruses to do good, and have them help society instead of harm it?
With drought and rising food prices, using corn for fuel seems, less and less, a good alternative to fossil fuels. We need better solutions...
A group of undergraduates from Stanford and Brown compete in a genetic engineering competition using synthetic biology techniques to answer astrobiology questions.
Ryan Wyatt reporting from the third day of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting in Long Beach, California…
Ryan Wyatt, Director of Morrison Planetarium and Science Visualization, reporting from first day of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting in Long Beach, California…
For our first science news round-up of 2013, we’ll focus on worms—the good, the hungry, and the productive!