Please note: Osher Rainforest will be closed for maintenance Jan. 14–16.
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Today's post is Science Today's last. Thanks for joining us these past eight years!
How can satellites help biologists understand animals’ response to climate change?
How does a cheetah posse behave? How do they reunite after long separations?
A scientist, inspired by her blanket-licking cat, is developing soft robotics based on cat tongue physics.
What did ecosystems look like before the mass extinction event 65 million years ago?
The Advanced Light Source’s particle accelerator examines plants, bones, proteins and crystals.
An international team is drilling deeply to look for where (and how) large earthquakes occur.
In English and Spanish. We've sent rovers to Mars, will a boat to Saturn's moon Titan be next?
What is killing domestic snakes? UCSF and Academy scientists solve the mystery.
In English and Spanish. The Voyager mission celebrates 35 years. La misión Voyager cumple 35 años.
A small pinky bone, tens of thousands of years old, offers as complete a genome sequence as living humans.